Super Speeder Law in Georgia

5Georgia is getting tough on speeders by raising fines.

Effective January 1, 2010, Georgia changed its speeding laws for Super Speeders. Super Speeders are high risk drivers who put other drivers at risk by ignoring speed restrictions in roads and highways in Georgia. Under the Super Speeder Law (Georgia Law HB 160) offenders will be subject to additional fines and could result in the suspension of driving privileges. This law adds an additional $200.00 for high risk drivers who drive 75 MPH or more on any two lane road, or 85 MPH or more anywhere in the state of Georgia. Georgia officials hope to reduce high risk speeders by creating tougher laws and higher fines.

Speeding in Georgia could cost you your driver’s license, driving privileges, and much higher fines. If you are faced with a Super Speeder ticket, contact me to discuss your options and save your license.

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