Sandy Springs DUI Prevention: Kicked Into High Gear For Labor Day

Sandy Springs DUI Prevention Ray Giudice For law enforcement officers in Sandy Springs, DUI prevention is high on the priority list. If you’re driving under the influence in Sandy Springs, you have four different possibilities of being caught: by Georgia State troopers, Fulton County police, Sandy Springs police, or the Nighthawk DUI Task Force. It’s no surprise, then to learn that Sandy Springs is one of the places in Georgia participating in Operation Zero Tolerance.

In conjunction with national Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign, Operation Zero Tolerance runs from August 21 through September 7. This will mean increased patrols, sobriety checkpoints and a high-visibility presence, and with good reason. The state of Georgia had 15 traffic deaths over Labor Day weekend last year and a further 1,218 injuries result from 3,706 crashes. Many of these accidents were due to impaired drivers: in fact, 2013 data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration indicated that 38 percent of fatalities during the Labor Day holiday weekend involved drunk drivers.

Don’t become a statistic this holiday weekend by being involved in a DUI related accident. Instead, make this holiday a safe one by following a few simple guidelines:

  • Know how you’re getting home safely before you participate in any festivities.
  • Have a designated driver ready before you ever start drinking.
  • Put numbers for taxi and sober ride programs into your cell phone before you go out, or use public transportation if available.
  • If you see an impaired driver on the road, don’t hesitate to contact local law enforcement.

Sometimes, despite preparation and best intentions, people make costly mistakes when it comes to drinking and driving. If you’ve been charged with a Sandy Springs DUI, you need an experienced DUI attorney like Ray Giudice on your side. Having proudly served the communities in and around Metro Atlanta, including Sandy Springs, for over 30 years, Ray Giudice heads up a busy law firm, yet still answers his cell phone any time, day or night. That’s because he knows that if you’re facing a DUI charge, you don’t have time to waste. Your case requires immediate action.

If you have been arrested or charged with a DUI in Sandy Springs, you need a Sandy Springs DUI lawyer, and we can help. Contact our office (404) 554-8800, or call Ray on his cell (404) 964-4185, to schedule an appointment for a free consultation. Our phones are answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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