Is NCAA’s Future at stake?

The Ed O’Bannon trial has the potential to dramatically reshape college sports. The case is being heard by U.S. District Court Judge Claudia Wilken, who admits to knowing next to nothing about college sports and the NCAA’s structure or way of doing “ business”. The Judge in her questions, seems to be telling both sides that she views this as a case to be decided under existing Federal Antitrust Laws, the same that would govern any business “cartel”.

The time has come for the Billion Dollar Business known as the NCAA to move past the idea that college sports is just a quaint hobby, something to keep the kids busy and the alumni happy. As the NCAA leadership has consistently shown a reluctance to adopt policies that reflect changes in our culture, and to be honest about the NACC’s primary purpose, which is to generate large sums of money for the Colleges and Universities it represents.

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