Man found guilty in jet ski death of Usher’s stepson

On behalf of Raymond Giudice P.C. posted in Criminal Defense on Monday, February 24, 2014.

ATLANTA – A jury has found Jeff Hubbard guilty of homicide by vessel in the incident that resulted in the death of Kile Glover, stepson of entertainer usher.  Another child was seriously hurt.

Hubbard was also found guilty of serious injury by vessel, reckless operation, unlawful operation of personal watercraft and boat traffic violation.

Kile Glover died from head injuries six days following the incident in July 202.  Jordan Shepp, then 15, was seriously hurt.

Defense lawyers said Hubbard tried to avoid the children and that what happened was a tragic accident.

SOURCE: “Man found guilty in jet ski death of Usher’s stepson,” Associated Press, February 22, 2014

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