How Smart is to Rely on a Smartphone DUI App?

Sandy Springs DUI Prevention Ray GiudiceDid you use a DUI app this New Year’s Eve? Ringing in the New Year, many of us have a tendency to overindulge, and sometimes, even the most responsible are unsure of whether driving home is a good idea. But is a DUI app on your smartphone reliable? That’s the question recently asked by New York Times reporter Jennifer Jolly.

To determine whether a smartphone breathalyzer is a reliable tool to prevent DUI, Jolly tested three different devices, comparing them to the official unit used by the California Highway Patrol, the Alco-Sensor IV. The devices she used in her test were the BACtrack Mobile Pro, the Alcohoot, and the Breathometer Breeze. Each of these uses a straw-like nozzle, into which the user blows, and the app then reads the blood alcohol content.

Her results? Only the results of the BACtrack Mobile Pro matched those of the Alco-Sensor IV. The Alcohoot actually registered a higher BAC than the professional model, but that’s not beneficial, as users might assume the reading is inaccurately high, if they don’t feel as impaired as the device indicates.

What’s the bottom line? Don’t rely on a DUI app to tell you whether or not you should drive! If you’ve had a few drinks, find a safer way to get home. And if you make a mistake, and end up facing DUI charges, call a professional to help you get the best results from your court case.

A Competent DUI Attorney is a Smarter Ally than a DUI App

A breathalyzer DUI app is not always a reliable tool for avoiding a DUI, but an experienced DUI attorney is a necessity for helping you face DUI charges. When you’ve been charged with a DUI in Atlanta, you need a DUI lawyer with recent jury trial experience, and the necessary knowledge and expertise to competently represent you in court. Raymond Giudice is that kind of Atlanta DUI attorney, with three decades of experience defending people charged with every type of DUI.

An app you should download? Ray’s DUI app. Should you get into DUI trouble, it simply calls Ray so you can get sound legal advice immediately.

When you need to hire an expert who will aggressively fight to protect your rights and freedom, and do whatever it takes to achieve the best possible results for you, call the DUI lawyer Atlanta residents trust- Raymond Giudice. Contact our office (404) 554-8800, or call Ray on his cell (404) 964-4185, to schedule an appointment for a free consultation. Our phones are answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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