Can I Get A DUI Dismissed?

get dui dismissedIf you’ve been charged with a DUI in Georgia, you’re probably well aware that you’re facing serious consequences. But is it possible to get a DUI dismissed? A Georgia DUI conviction can never be expunged from your record, but if your case is dismissed, you may be able to have the charge completely erased. What’s your best bet to get a DUI dismissed?

The best way to get a DUI dismissed is to call in a professional. Georgia DUI attorneys know the law, and they know why a DUI might not be valid. Maybe there was no probable cause for your arrest, or maybe the officer didn’t follow the correct protocols. Georgia DUI law is complicated, and if it’s not followed to the letter, your attorney may be able to get a DUI dismissed for you.

Once it’s dismissed, the DUI is off your record, right? Not exactly. You have to apply for a records restriction in order to keep it from appearing on your criminal record. This is another reason that it makes sense to hire a competent Georgia DUI lawyer: you probably don’t know all the ends and outs of getting the best results.

In the best scenario for your case, you’re able to get a DUI dismissed. It’s important, however, to find an attorney who doesn’t promise to make that happen, but simply to do his very best to achieve the most favorable outcome possible for you. You need a DUI lawyer who will fight for your rights, strategizing to win your case, but also coming up with a backup plan to minimize any penalty you may face.

It’s Important To Try To Get A DUI Dismissed: Call Attorney Ray Giudice

Atlanta-based DUI defense attorney Raymond Giudice can be a formidable ally, and he will use his three decades of experience defending people charged with every type of DUI to help you fight the charges against you. When you need to hire an expert who will aggressively fight to protect your rights and freedom, and do whatever it takes to achieve the best possible results for you, call the DUI lawyer Atlanta residents trust—Raymond Giudice. Contact our office (404) 554-8800, or call Ray on his cell (404) 964-4185, to schedule an appointment for a free consultation. Our phones are answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


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