Fighting A DUI Less Safe Charge

DUI Less Safe Charges - Ray GiudiceHave you been charged with a DUI less safe? This may seem like a confusing term, but it simply means that your use of alcohol or drugs caused you to be a “less safe” driver than you otherwise would have been. To make this charge stick, the state must prove that you were not capable of driving safely.

The DUI Less Safe statute allows law enforcement officers to charge drivers whose blood alcohol concentration is less than the standard .08 grams. If the officer believes that you are not driving safely, you can be charged with this whether or not you are under the influence of legal or illegal drugs. There are three ways to prove a DUI Less Safe:

  • Direct evidence that the person was driving erratically, perhaps weaving or getting into an accident.
  • Evidence of less safe driving inferred from field sobriety testing.
  • Evidence of a driver appearing intoxicated, such as the smell of alcohol, an unsteadiness, staggering or stumbling, or slurred speech.

The last two types of evidence are circumstantial, but that does not mean they will not be used to convict you. In fact, many people have been convicted of DUI Less Safe after being stopped at roadblocks, with no evidence of unsafe driving. Georgia DUI laws are complicated, but it is important to understand that a DUI Less Safe charge is just as serious as any other DUI charge.

Who To Call When Charged With DUI Less Safe

What should you do if facing a DUI Less Safe charge? The first thing to do is call a competent DUI attorney. You have 10 days from the time you’re charged to request an ALS hearing to preserve your driving privileges. An experienced attorney knows this, and also knows that field sobriety tests used as evidence are extremely subjective. These tests are often administered incorrectly, and a competent DUI lawyer knows how to find out if errors were made, to help in building your case.

Don’t delay in seeking help: call DUI attorney Ray Giudice today! Ray Giudice has the knowledge and experience to effectively represent you in court, as well as recent jury trial experience. If you have been accused or arrested for DUI less safe, contact the law office of Ray Giudice at (404) 554-8800, or call Ray on his cell (404) 964-4185, to schedule an appointment for a free consultation. Our phones are answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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