Do I Need A Lawyer For A DUI?

Do I Need A Lawyer For A DUI Sometimes, people ask us, “Do I need a lawyer for a DUI?” We find this question puzzling because a DUI is a very serious charge, which carries with it the potential for equally serious consequences. You may as well ask yourself, “Do I need a doctor for my broken leg?” While you could splint it yourself, a broken leg is much more likely to be permanently damaged if you elect to forgo professional help. The same is true of a DUI. Before you ask, “Do I need a lawyer for a DUI,” consider these facts:

  • Even a first time offender faces serious consequences from a DUI in Georgia. A first offense Georgia DUI has penalties that include mandatory incarceration, ranging from one day up to one year, and a fine that can be anywhere from $300-$1000, not including court costs, expenses related to the conviction and sentencing, or license reinstatement costs. You may also face community service mandates, plus substance abuse/driver education programs.
  • Being a juvenile when you’re convicted does not mean you get a better deal. In fact, a Georgia DUI conviction that happens when you’re a juvenile is actually transferred to your driving record when you become an adult.
  • A Georgia DUI goes into your “permanent record.” If you are convicted of a DUI in Georgia, that conviction will never be expunged. Instead of asking “Do I need a lawyer for DUI,” ask yourself, “Do I want a DUI to follow me forever?” A DUI can interfere with your ability to get a job, and can be damaging to your reputation.

DUI Attorney Ray Giudice

If you’re still asking “Do I need a lawyer for DUI,” consider this: An experienced DUI attorney understands the ins and outs of the law, and knows how to get the best possible results for his client. Do you know how to get a DUI charge dismissed, or to win a case in court? If the answer is no, then you need a lawyer for your DUI.

A Georgia DUI charge is difficult to overcome, but can do this with help from a DUI lawyer with recent jury trial experience, and the necessary knowledge and expertise to competently represent you in court. Atlanta-based Raymond Giudice is that kind of attorney, with three decades of experience defending people charged with every type of DUI. When you need to hire an expert who will aggressively fight to protect your rights and freedom and do whatever it takes to achieve the best possible results for you, call the DUI lawyer Atlanta residents trust, Raymond Giudice. Contact our office (404) 554-8800, or call Ray on his cell (404) 964-4185, to schedule an appointment for a free consultation. Our phones are answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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