Drunk Drivers Argue They Were Too Intoxicated to Realize Threat They Posed

On behalf of Raymond Giudice, P.C. posted in DUI Defense on Friday, October 11, 2013. ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) – Three people convicted of murder in deadly crashes urged New York’s highest court Tuesday to throw out their convictions, arguing they were too intoxicated to know the threat they posed to others. The murder convictions of Martin Heidgen, […]

Cops Get Funds To Nab Drunks, Speeders

On behalf of Raymond Giudice, P.C. posted in DUI Defense on Friday, October 11, 2013. DeKalb police have just been awarded $66,300 to target aggressive drivers, drunken drivers and speeders. The Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety awarded the H.E.A.T.–Highway Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic–grant.  The police will also use the money to step up enforcement […]

Seizure of Cash Illegal Without Drug Charge?

On behalf of Raymond Giudice, P.C. posted in Criminal Defense, Federal Crimes and Drug Crimes on Friday, October 11, 2013. The only official sanction levied on Jeffrey Mordica following his 2011 traffic stop was a warning ticket for having the windows in his car tinted too dark. But before Lamar County Deputy Sgt. Chris Webster sent Mordica […]