This Christmas, Let’s Reduce Atlanta DUI Wrecks

First Atlanta DUI Atlanta DUI statistics are sobering. In fact, statistics indicate that Fulton, DeKalb, Gwinnett and Cobb counties have the highest rate of alcohol related traffic fatalities of any counties in the state. You know what’s even worse? As in most places across the country, in Atlanta, DUI accidents increase on a holiday weekend. All those parties, all that celebrating, and someone’s good time is likely to become someone’s tragedy.

For most of the year, alcohol-related traffic fatalities total up to about 30% of all traffic fatalities. During the holiday season, though, this number jumps! Thanksgiving sees about 40%, at Christmas it’s about 37%, and at New Year’s it jumps to a whopping 58%. New Year’s Eve and 4th of July actually have the most alcohol-related fatalities, because those are the big “drinking” holidays.

A traffic fatality is always tragic, especially when it’s caused by something as preventable as drunk driving. Somehow, though, the stories always seem exponentially sadder when they come at a time of year that is, for most people, joyous, celebratory, and precious. It seems like every year there are more stories of loss, like the story of people killed while leaving a children’s Christmas pageant.

These stories touch our hearts, but they can also cause lawmakers to resolve to crack down even harder on drunk drivers. In Georgia, the laws are especially strict, and an Atlanta DUI is something you can never have expunged from your record. This holiday season, make sure you’re not one of the people hitting the road impaired. If you do get into a situation where you’re facing DUI charges, make sure to get help from someone who knows what he’s doing.

Atlanta DUI Attorney Ray Giudice

If you are charged with a DUI, it’s important to fight it with every resource available, which means finding an experienced DUI attorney, with recent trial experience, and the knowledge to competently represent you in court. With three decades of experience defending people charged with every type of DUI, Atlanta DUI attorney Raymond Giudice is a highly skilled professional who will do whatever it takes to achieve the best possible results for you.

This holiday season, be careful out there, and stay safe behind the wheel. Know this, though: if you get into a jam, you can get the best possible help by calling Raymond Giudice, the DUI lawyer Atlanta trusts. Contact our office (404) 554-8800, or call Ray on his cell (404) 964-4185, to schedule an appointment for a free consultation. Our phones are answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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